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I was born in Downpatrick, Co. Down in 1965.  I trained in drawing and painting at Edinburgh College of Art from 1984 to 1987. I then gained a post graduate diploma in Art Therapy at Hertfordshire College of Art and Design in 1989, and worked as a Senior Art Therapist in the N.H.S. in Northern Ireland and Scotland with adults and children in emotional distress until 2001, when my family and I moved to West Cork. In 2004 I achieved an M.A. in Art Therapy at C.I.T.

In 2009, I became a member of the Watercolour Society of Ireland and won an award for a ‘work of distinction’ in 2012. I exhibit annually in Dun Laoighaire at the W.C.S.I. Members exhibition. Throughout the year I exhibit in group shows in West Cork, Cork City and Dublin including the R.H.A. in 2014.

My work also includes mural commissions, both public and private, which developed after I won a competition design for a large scale external mural in Ballydehob in 2012. I also became involved in the local National School where I designed and coordinated a large external mural working with both staff and children.

My commitment to painting is motivated by my desire to follow my own vision which I feel will continue to be a lifelong process and passion. I currently work as an artist and a private art therapist.

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