Eva Bean moved from Germany to West Cork over 30 years ago. She worked in her family’s plant nursery and estate in Kells Bay, Co. Kerry, where she specialized in the propagation and care of particularly rare and tender plants like treeferns and large leaved Rhododendron.
After moving to Co. Cork with her husband they planted and cared for their woodland, for which they later received the RDS (Royal Dublin Society) Best Farm Forest Award. The microclimate of the woodland gradually permitted the establishment of a wide variety of plants both native and exotic, which provide her with constant material to paint.
Different courses in Garden Design, Arboriculture, as well as Art History with the OU and Drawing and Painting courses with the Open College of the Arts have added continuous inspiration to her work as an artist.
An extended period of several years in South Africa allowed her to focus on the botanical art of Auriol Batten and Elbe Joubert, who offered lessons and generous insight into her work and watercolour techniques.
In 2011 she was selected as permanent member for the Society of Floral Painters, Hampshire and exhibited with them, principally painting plants from direct observation. She was made member of the WCSI in 2013.
She uses Winsor Newton, Schmincke and Sennelier paints on Saunders Waterford Hot Pressed Paper.